I am in Belgium to document, together with other artists from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, the “50th anniversary of the Victor Horta Museum” in Brussels. A journey through the most important Art Nouveau buildings in the two capitals of Belgium Brussels and Antwerp.
Arrival “The station of Antwerp …”
from the station hall where the decorations were made of marble to the grandiose iron and glass ceiling. “Antwerpen Centraal” is in fourth place among the largest and most beautiful stations in the world, according to some official rankings. … from the Antwerp station I continue the my photographic journey near Zuremborg the most elegant district of the city in the district of Berchem … the most beautiful buildings are in the streets Cogels, Waterloostraat, Osylei and Transvaalstraat. I continue to the city center at the cafe Horta. I conclude with some images of the Horta Museum in Brussels and some details captured with my goal on the most beautiful buildings in the city.
Photography: Stefania Cola
Location: Antwerp / Brussels Belgium